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Help Me (Double Fuckers)

Am Em Am Dm  
Your laughter, my fear  
I'm afraid, but I'm not queer  
I'm afraid, but I love  
I'm afraid, and I need a shove  
I need some help, or else I die  
I need some help, otherwise I'll tell you goodbye  
Help me,  
Say that you love  
Help me,  
Say you're with me free  
Help me because I Am yours forever,  
And I find it hard without you.  
We were so hard together  
But one by one we die  
Our coasts are no tether  
And we have to fly,  
Flying in the dark.  
I have overcome the fear  
Or not see you.  
But I believe in you and tomorrow.  
Help me,  
Say that you love  
Help me,  
Say you're with me free  
Help me because I Am yours forever,  
And I find it hard without you.

Видео для песни "Help Me":


Описание аккордов к песне (Генератор аккордов)

  • Am ↓
    Аккорд Am
  • Em ↓
    Аккорд Em
  • Dm ↓
    Аккорд Dm


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Для связи с администратором: killger@gmail.com
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