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Im Not Through With You Yet (Sloan)

Greg Reilly 
I'm not through with you yet      Sloan
Song 13 on Navy Blues.
Tab by Ian Reilly

D             F#                 Bm
She cried bingo it finally clued in
D           F#                     Bm
I guess I never thought to look there
D                          F#        Bm           A
What you've taken is back but i never kept track
G           Bm                    A
I guess I never thought i'd have to

       G           Bm         D        A
And you wait wait one cotton pickin' moment
          G         F#                      Bm
Cause I'm not through with you yet

D        F#       Bm                D        F#        Bm

D                  F#                              Bm
She close her eyes and walked right past me
D                      F#                                Bm
She crossed her fingers and walked rigth through me
D                          F#             Bm            A
Tryin' to make it to home base but I never keep pace
G               Bm             A
I guess I'm always right behing her

Repeat Chorus

             G         F#                      Bm
Because I'm not through with you yet

Bm      F#       Bm

Chord Formations

    D       F#       Bm           A         G
    2        2        2           0         3
    3        2        3           2         3
    2        3        4           2         0
    0        4        4           2         0
    0        4        2           0         2
    X        2        X           X         3

Видео для песни "Im Not Through With You Yet":


Описание аккордов к песне (Генератор аккордов)

  • D ↓
    Аккорд D
  • F# ↓
    Аккорд F#
  • Bm ↓
    Аккорд Bm
  • G ↓
    Аккорд G


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