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Big Salty Tears (Sublime)

This song is actually by the Ziggens.  Brad plays it together with Mary on the
acoustic album.  It's really easy and fun to play.

riff 1 :


(riff 1)  C#              F          F#     A           G#      C#
Big Salty Tears is what I taste as I drive    past your house tonight

              F                        F#
And all those brake lights that are in front of me

                 A          G#    C#
They make me ...  Wanna get out tonight

C#                       B                F#                    C#
I'm at the age where I realize ...  The liquor wont bring you back.

                                B                     F#
I must be gettin old I'm at the drive through, and I'm makin my face

                             (riff 1)  C#
More fat fat fat fat fat    Big Salty Tears

C#                       B            F#             C#
I'm at the age where I realize ...  nothing,  actually

                     B              F#
Just do what I'm supposed to do, $2.17 next window

                                              (riff 1)  C#
Please please please please please please    Big Salty Tears

Видео для песни "Big Salty Tears":


Описание аккордов к песне (Генератор аккордов)

  • C# ↓
    Аккорд C#
  • F ↓
    Аккорд F
  • F# ↓
    Аккорд F#
  • G# ↓
    Аккорд G#
  • B ↓
    Аккорд B


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Для связи с администратором: killger@gmail.com
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