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There Was A Time (Trex)

I tabbed this song from memory as I have no longer got a version of it to listen to, but I think its more 
correct, the lyrics might be dodgy but it sounds good with a chorus effect on the guitar.

There was a time written by Marc Bolan and found on the Electric warrior album (I think)
a short one-verse song used as a prelude to raw ramp.

There was a time

Everything was fine

You got drunk all the day

     C          C  Em   Am
Like it was fine

Am          D
And all the children

         G                C    C  Em  Am
They put flowers in their hair

Am          D
And all the grown ups

         G                Em
They put daggers there instead

Видео для песни "There Was A Time":


Описание аккордов к песне (Генератор аккордов)

  • G ↓
    Аккорд G
  • D ↓
    Аккорд D
  • Bm ↓
    Аккорд Bm
  • C ↓
    Аккорд C
  • Em ↓
    Аккорд Em
  • Am ↓
    Аккорд Am


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